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How to be a Scene Kid at a Young Age

Aastha Dogra
Scene kids are cool and trendy. They wear loud clothes and makeup, and simply enjoy being who they are. This article lists some tips on getting you into the scene crowd, right from scene clothing, hair, and attitude, to the kind of music they listen to.
So you want to be a scene kid? Tip 1: don't tell anyone that you are a scene kid. Let them label you as one themselves. But how will they do that when you do not have the attitude, dressing style or interests of a scene kid? Tip 2: fake it! If being one does not come naturally to you, the option you have is to copy the kids that you see around you.
These kids are loud, confident, and believe in having a good time. They are on all the prominent social networking sites and make hundreds of online friends. Their make-up and dressing sense are very different from regular teen fashion.


Kids of this clique mostly wear tight-fitting t-shirts and skinny jeans. So when you go shopping for clothes, keep this in mind. The t-shirts should have some kind of wording, graphic print, or cartoon on them. Black and white are the most popular colors for scene clothing so include lots of white and black tees in your wardrobe.
The jeans can be a regular blue or you can even opt for other bright colors depending upon your choice. If you like experimenting, then you can consider getting a black and white pair of jeans. Pay special attention when shopping for shoes. Opt for various kinds such as checkers, vans, or flats that go well with your jeans and t-shirts.


If you are really young, there is a possibility that your parents might not agree to you putting on make-up. Get lots of accessories instead. Shop for earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and tiaras. These kids always wear bright-colored chunky jewelry, so make sure whatever you choose is loud and bright.

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There are some brands which have come up with jewelry collections especially for scene kids, this will save you a lot of time in choosing accessories.


If you are very young, it is better to avoid too much make-up as chemicals in it can affect your young skin. To get the look, go for lip gloss instead of lipstick. These kids do heavy eye make up with lots of mascara, eye shadows, and eye liners. To make your eyes stand out, you can invest in an eyelash curler instead.
Apply petroleum jelly on your eyelashes before curling as it will make your lashes thicker. Once you get a bit older, you can use scene makeup ideas and start experimenting with neon eyeliner, foundation, blush, and lipstick.


Scene hair involves lots of bangs and layers. You will need to go to a stylist to get such a haircut. Carry a photo of scene hair with you and show it to the stylist so that she knows exactly what you want. Once you have the haircut, you can style your hair in whichever way you like with clips, bows, extensions, and hairspray.


These kids may dress up differently, but one thing is common in all of them--they display immense confidence in the way they walk, talk, and interact with others. Being confident in no way means that you have to be mean to others or make them feel small. You can be confident and be very nice at the same time. So, develop this sort of attitude in order to be a true scene kid.


Develop an interest in rock bands. Listen to indie, screamo, and techno music. Gather as much information about these types of bands as you can and share it with the other scene kids in your school. This will help you get accepted among the scene crowd.

Online Presence

You need to make your presence felt on the Internet. So, get yourself an account on the popular social networking sites. If you are too young, discuss it with your parents first. Post as many photos of yours online as you like in different poses.
But before doing that make sure that the social networking site is safe. If you do not know about it ask your parents to help you find out. Also, do not post your photos on any random website.
Act confident, have fun, wear loud clothes, and follow all the above tips, and pretty soon other kids will start referring to you as a scene kid.