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A Guide to Buying the Best Overalls for Women

Tulika Nair
Jumpsuits, rompers, and overalls are the latest trends to take the world of fashion by storm, but wearing them can be slightly tricky. Here is how you can wear these outfits and not look like a farmer's helper.
Despite their popularity, overalls can be very tricky to wear correctly. Unlike jumpsuits and rompers, which are also one piece clothing, they can be quite masculine in their appearance. In order to wear them correctly it is important that you wear the right style, cut, and design.
Also important is what you wear underneath the overall and how you accessorize the same. So, we tell you how you can make this outfit look like the most important fashion staple for a woman and carry the look off with panache.


From a one-piece clothing item made of cotton or linen which would be worn over normal clothing as a protective garment, to the chic items following the fashion trend of today, overalls have traversed a long path.
Women have been wearing them for almost a century now, after first wearing them while working as factory help in England sometime during the first World War. They were worn to protect oneself against the various toxic elements that they worked with.
Soon this became the preferred garment of choice for mechanics, farmers, and laborers.
Sometime in the 1930s overalls made their entry into the children's clothing market, since they were extremely comfortable and covered them up suitably against the vagaries of weather.
It was in the hippie era, that they became a fashionable clothing item, transporting themselves from the cornfields to the catwalks.

How to Wear Overalls

From Jennifer Anniston to Jessica Simpson, and Rihanna, everyone who is anyone in the fashion world has rocked this look. In fact the Spring/Summer 2010 collection from Ralph Lauren had overalls featured in a huge way.If you like to take a more simplistic and conservative approach to fashion, then it may be a good idea to stay away from this trend.
However, if you are the adventurous type who cannot say no to a challenge, then this is one fashion clothing option that will incite your creative, fashionable self.
There are plenty of ways that you can resort to in order to style an overall. From playing around with the tops that you wear underneath to mismatching the accessories, your look can be completely transformed as per your wish.


It is important for you to be aware that there are many different types available, from short and mid calf length overalls, to long ones. It is up to you to choose a length that flatters you.
Shortalls, are adorable and perfect for summer wear. The length of most shortalls generally extend till mid-thigh.
You can buy these in any fabric like denim, cotton, or linen. Wear these with bikini tops or tank-tops. While wearing, ensure that these suit you and do not make you appear larger than your actual frame.
Accessorize yourself with anklets, bangles, flip-flops and colorful wedges, provided your overall is a staid, neutral color.

Full-length Overalls

If you own a pair of full length denim overalls, then any fashion column will tell you that there are million ways of wearing this look well. Do not try to take the focus away from the clothing by over-accessorizing. Instead let them be the center of attention.
If you are wearing them to the beach, wear it over your bathing suit. Alternatively you can wear it with a tank top or even a peasant blouse, for the back-to-the-dust bowl look. Roll up the cuffs of the denims, the way you would with your boyfriend's jeans, and complete the look with a pair of high-heeled shoes.
You do not necessarily need to buy overalls that are very loose. Instead choose a pair that flatters your natural curves. It is important to ensure that your outfit does not hang loosely or make your behind look flat.
A great way of getting this for cheap and ensuring that you have the right fit, is to get one tailor-made for yourself. Alternatively you can haunt online shopping sites for great bargains and deals.The  problem with the latter is that it can be difficult to choose the perfect sized option for you
Overalls may not be the first pick any woman may make at a clothing store, but they are definitely a clothing item that will find space in the wardrobe of a woman who is fashion forward.