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The Big Do's to Improve Your Looks Now

Mia Morales
Believe it or not, it doesn't take a super makeover to change your appearance. Please note that every body type is different. There is not a single one size fits all in this realm of fashion hits and misses. Remember even celebrities miss these tips. Sometimes just a simple dynamic change in the way you wear your hair.

Classy look

Change up your makeup palette. If you wear red lipstick all the time you could shift to a natural neutral softer look to bring attention to your clothes and face.
I sometimes notice that one of the mistakes older women make is adding a lot of makeup. The more makeup you add the less natural it looks. Try using makeup as an accessory.

More Makeup Tips

Here is a good one for your skin, and please know when to throw out makeup. It sounds simple, but most of us love our makeup too long. Liquid foundation has six months to a year.
Liquid eyeliner needs to exit after three months. The pencil eyeliner has a two-year life span. This is a hard one, lipstick needs to be out after one year of use.


The next thing a woman should think about is her shoes. Do you wear flats, heels or wedges? Certain types of heels can elongate the visual aspect of the body and others may accent the weight.
Some shoes make your calves larger. Other shoes should be worn with a skirt or jeans. The skinny heel gives the eye the perception of slimmer legs.


It is always a good idea to plan ahead what color purse you are going to sport that day with your outfit. The size of the purse matters as well, and to make yourself look smaller you can carry a larger purse or vice versa.
A purse can be the splurge of color to set your outfit off. The next thing should it be a wide strapped purse or slim strapped purse?