Everyone is aware of the hippie culture of America that existed in the 1970s. Hippies were known for their unique style of clothing and accessories. Beaded jewelry formed an integral part of their accessories. Even today, beads are a huge hit when it comes to jewelry.
Recently, one of my friends shopped at a good, recognized retail store. After she got back home, she found that the handle of the bag had cute little trinklets that were about to come off. She simply collected them and ended up making a beautiful beaded necklace with them! She immediately wore it, got her photograph clicked, and off it went on her social networking web page!
So, what is it that makes beads so popular and cool? Trends and fashion come and go, but these small pieces of glass or stone never go out of fashion. Weave them in any way, any style, and get a jewel which actually reflects 'you'. Beading is very simple, and can be done at home as well. The usage varies depending on the type of bead.
The various types include glass, semi-precious, wood, seed, bugle, or chevron, etc.The embellishments made can differ, depending on the occasion of use as well.
Trendy beaded jewelry can typically include rings, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, etc. The modern usage varies from region to region. Clothing style, more often than not, decides the kind of jewelry one is going to opt for.
With Formal Attire
Beaded jewelry with formal attire can be simple, yet elegant. A formal business suit (trousers or a skirt, and a formal shirt) can be teamed up with a simple, round, glass-beaded necklace. It could be close to the neck and not very loose.
This will give the dress a very stylish look. Earrings made of wooden or glass pellets can also be worn with formal dressing. Bracelets can also add that 'zing' to your outfit.
But the most important condition is that the beads should match your attire. Otherwise, you can be assured of a fashion disaster! The trick is to be simple and to match the ornaments with your outfit.
With Casuals
To team up beaded jewelry with casuals is a cakewalk. A girl won't have to rack her brains much to decide what kind will enhance her dress. If you are wearing a t-shirt and jeans, you can always team it up with a nice bracelet that will complement the look of the attire.
Be it a t-shirt, a blouse, or a 'kurta', necklaces or beaded chains can actually brighten up your dress, and your total look for the day. They are a huge hit with all types of attires. Innovate, mix and match, and there you get a great combination with your dress.
Basically with casuals, anything from rings to earrings, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, etc., can be worn. Anklets can be flaunted with a frilly skirt. So, any kind of ornaments made of these stones are absolutely in vogue when it comes to casuals.
With Party Wear
Well, now this is a bit complicated. Wearing beaded jewelry for a party could put one in a fix. However, there are a lot of options available today in the market based on the type of dress one wants to wear. They have bracelets, anklets, necklaces - everything! These days, they also give suggestions on what could be worn with an evening gown.
Parties can be formal as well as casual. So, it has to be kept in mind while dressing what kind of a party it is. Again, an informal party gives you a better scope to tinker with your ornaments than a formal one. A dress having beaded embroidery can also make heads turn.
Otherwise, snazzy semi-precious stone necklaces and bracelets can top the list of jewelry that go well with evening gowns and the like. In an informal party, there is a chance to flaunt an anklet if you are wearing a skirt.
Process of Making a Beaded Necklace
This is a very interesting thing for all those who want to make jewelry. One needs to have a flexible wire, or a variety of beading thread for making a necklace. Along with that, a clasp is essential for a bead necklace. Make sure that there are 21 to 48 strands of stainless steel wire, preferably coated with nylon. Once this is done, decide on the length of the necklace - long or choker length.
String the beads together using crimp ones to make the necklace more secure and to avoid any from slipping. Ideally, string a bead followed by a crimp bead.
After that, place the clasp on the string after the crimp bead.
Make a loop with the string or wire.
Then, place one end of the wire or string through the bead-crimp bead section.
Do not forget to use the crimping tool to crimp the beads in place.
Now choose the beads, your design, and start stringing.
After finishing, leave at least three inches of string or wire at the end of your necklace.
Repeat the earlier bead-crimp-bead process so that the other clasp can be attached.
Finally, check whether the beads have enough room between them. And your hand-crafted necklace is ready!
Beads suit any occasion; be it a party, a casual outing, or a formal occasion. Definitely, they are here to stay!